
The Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Research (Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja, HRRI) is an international journal that publishes original research articles, preliminary reports, reviews, professional papers and other contributions in the fields of education-rehabilitation sciences, speech pathology (logopedics), pedagogy, psychology, linguistics and phonetics, clinical sciences, public health, preventive healthcare, interdisciplinary social sciences and humanities; as well as diverse fields of art related to prevention, screening, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment; and education and other modalities of comprehensive support to individuals with diverse developmental and psychophysical disorders and/or behavioural problems.
HRRI is dedicated primarily to the publication of contemporary scientific and technical insights related to inclusive education and rehabilitation of individuals with learning difficulties, intellectual difficulties and pervasive disorders; education and rehabilitation of individuals with visual or auditory damage, motor disorders or chronic disease; complementary and supportive art therapy; speech pathology topics related to disorders of communication, language, speech, voice and swallowing; and topics from social pedagogy and criminology related to behavioural problems.

| Most cited (according to Scopus)

Association between emotional intelligence and stuttering in school-age children in Kosovo

Edona Selmani, Florim Gallopeni, Ana Poposka
DOI: 10.31299/hrri.58.2.4
Pub. Date: December 22, 2022

| Upcoming article

What happens when there is a lack of social influence? Perceived anonymity and cyberbullying

Ivana Vrselja, Dora Lacković, Martina Lotar Rihtarić
Expected in December, 2023

Latest issue

Roditeljske atribucije uzroka djetetovog razvojnog jezičnog poremećaja i njihov odnos s mentalnim zdravljem roditelja

Parental causal attributions for their child's developmental language disorder and the relationship between causal attributions and parental mental health

Matea Kramarić

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Psychological intervention following acquired brain injury: insights from a multiple case study

Cecilie Marie Thøgersen, Chalotte Glintborg, Tia G. B. Hansen

Izvorni znanstveni članak
School climate and internalised problems in adolescents with learning disabilities

Marija Jerković, Anamarija Žic Ralić

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Gender differences in repetitive behaviours in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder

Matea Behin, Jasmina Stošić, Sanja Šimleša

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Sindrom sagorijevanja kod studenata nastavničkih studija u STEM područjima

Burnout levels among student teachers in STEM fields

Branimir Čorić, Anna Alajbeg

Izvorni znanstveni članak
Impact of teachers' background on their perceptions of factors influencing the effectiveness of lessons

Jan Čibej

Prethodno priopćenje
Informirani pristanak u istraživanjima u kojima sudjeluju djeca s teškoćama: analiza vidljivosti i načina izvještavanja u hrvatskim znanstvenim časopisima u otvorenome pristupu

Informed consent in research involving children with disabilities as participants: analysis of visibility and reporting practices in Croatian open access scientific journals

Ana Blažević Simić, Ana Širanović

Prethodno priopćenje
Primjena mindfulnessa u području edukacijske rehabilitacije

The use of mindfulness in the field of education and rehabilitation

Renata Martinec, Dora Domić, Damir Miholić

Pregledni rad
Obtaining informed consent from people with dyslexia: the role of easy language

Marija Jozipović, Mirjana Lenček

Pregledni rad
Digitalni vigilantizam: analiza internetske pravde, etičkih izazova i uloge društvenih medija

Digital vigilantism: examining online justice, ethical challenges, and the role of social media

Dalibor Doležal

Pregledni rad
Book review: Nikolino Žura et al.: Clinical kinesiology

Mirjana Telebuh

Recenzija, prikaz